The Musings of an MA Mamma

Because the world is such an interesting place.

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Susie Roys

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Do you sometimes feel your life is leaving you behind………


I’ve been struck by how much I’ve enjoyed and how challenging I’ve found my course so far. As mature students and adults, we like to think we are worldly-wise but we still have so much learning to do. As a Mamma of a seven year old and a seventeen year old step-daughter (just taking her […]

Want to start again, but you’re just too scared……..


My musing comes from the tragic case of Reeva Steenkamp. She was only 29 years old with the world at her feet and a promising career ahead of her. Equally saddening were the events that unfolded on 14th February 2013 – a date usually synonymous with love and happiness, yet in a single act, Oscar […]

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